Duplex paper boards manufacturer and export to Brazil

The Rise of Coated Paper Manufacturing in India: Supplier and Importer from Brazil

Coated paper has emerged as a flag product in the global paper industry, marked by its good surface finish and excellent print qualities. As all sectors witness a growing trend for high-class printing materials, the importance of coated paper-producing units in India has been escalating. This paper delves deeper into the analysis of coated paper [...]
Indian manufacturer of grey back and white back duplex paper boards: Brazil

Indian manufacturer of grey back and white back duplex paper boards: Brazil

A popular and reasonably priced material for consumer goods, printing, and packaging is duplex paper board. Greyback and whiteback duplex boards are the two main types manufactured; they differ in surface treatments and intended uses. A duplex board manufacturer specializes in multilayered paperboards, using a blend of recycled fibres and, sometimes, virgin pulp. These boards [...]