Duplex paper boards manufacturer and export to Brazil

Challenges faced by Paper Board Supplier: How Proton Paper Solves Them in Brazil

The supplier faces several challenges when they serve their products in international markets like Brazil. To maintain supply quantity, businesses depending on paper board suppliers need consistency, quality, and timely delivery. Brazil's demand for high-quality paper boards is increasing daily, especially for packaging, printing, and manufacturing industries, and it is more difficult for suppliers. At [...]
Duplex paper boards manufacturer and export to Brazil

The Rise of Coated Paper Manufacturing in India: Supplier and Importer from Brazil

Coated paper has emerged as a flag product in the global paper industry, marked by its good surface finish and excellent print qualities. As all sectors witness a growing trend for high-class printing materials, the importance of coated paper-producing units in India has been escalating. This paper delves deeper into the analysis of coated paper [...]
Indian manufacturer of grey back and white back duplex paper boards: Brazil

Indian manufacturer of grey back and white back duplex paper boards: Brazil

A popular and reasonably priced material for consumer goods, printing, and packaging is duplex paper board. Greyback and whiteback duplex boards are the two main types manufactured; they differ in surface treatments and intended uses. A duplex board manufacturer specializes in multilayered paperboards, using a blend of recycled fibres and, sometimes, virgin pulp. These boards [...]